Letter - Group forms to push city-owned broadband in Cambridge

To the editor:
The recent Chronicle article “Group forms to push city-owned broadband in Cambridge” should have been published 20 years ago, when this idea would have made sense.
But not surprisingly, internet connection technology has radically changed since then. Numerous internet providers, such as Starry, are currently offering low-cost internet connections to residents and businesses in large buildings, distributed by ground-based microwave.
T-Mobile, AT&T, Sprint and others are in the process of rolling out 5G wireless internet, which would provide more speed than Comcast’s residential connections, and more than enough speed for the average family and small business. The largest cost in installing an internet distribution system is the street distribution lines and the pole-to-residence lines. The various 5G systems will compete head-to-head with Comcast, municipal and any wired system with a distinct advantage – they won’t have to bear the huge costs of a cable/fiber distribution system. 5G will likely use small low-cost modems shipped to the end user, eliminating any need for having a fleet of installers and repair personnel, thus lowering the maintenance costs.

Although an investment of this magnitude 20 years ago could possibly been justified, it would now be a financial boondoggle. The idea of providing low-cost internet to residents is a worthy goal, but a municipal internet system isn’t the way to accomplish it.


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