Ten ordinances to combat climate change locally

Ten ordinances to enact this session to combat climate change locally

Cambridge had once been a Massachusetts policy leader – and example that led the way for numerous other cities and towns on human rights and housing protection.

We have just gone through a summer showing us some of the ways climate change will affect us.  While there’s no way to avoid many of the consequences of climate change, we can slow its progression. Cambridge can become a regional and national model for how a city can combat climate change with forward-looking policies. We can once again be a policy leader by adopting these and other measures to take immediate action to ameliorate our impact on the planet and combat climate change. For most of these, there are numerous existing and successful “model laws” that could be easily adapted for our use. Many are inexpensive to implement.  While some of these would require permission from the state legislature requiring “home rule petitions,” these are usually rubber stamped if brought in by our State Representatives.

Zero Idling

Car and truck idling wastes fuel, destroys exhaust systems, and needlessly produces global warming gases (GWGs). Diesel idling is especially toxic, producing exhaust with known carcinogens and toxins[1]. Idling is also the easiest source of global warming gasses (GWGs) to eliminate. Right now, state law prohibits idling more than 5 minutes[2], but this is rarely enforced. But how much idling should be permitted? Some argue that the answer is zero, except perhaps at traffic lights and by trucks that need to keep an engine running to operate a lift gate or refrigeration unit.  Implementing a “Zero Idling Ordinance” would start with the placement of signs at locations where idling is rampant (taxi stands, in front of schools, and at DPW).

Computerized Traffic Lights

Decades ago, Cambridge had computerized traffic lights, but gave up on the system. Computerized lights offer numerous advantages: emergency vehicles can override the signals, allowing them to respond faster, potentially saving lives. It would cut idling at traffic lights. Buses could travel more smoothly. Traffic can be set to flow at a specific and safer speed, e.g. 20mph, eliminating the urge for drivers to speed up for green lights. Computerized traffic signals are the norm in most large cities throughout the world. (In some cities, such as Copenhagen, lights are timed at 12mph for bicycles[3].) Idling at lights, and the resulting GWGs, carcinogens and toxins would be cut.

Mandatory Construction Recycling

California is among the world’s leaders in diverting waste to recycling. In Massachusetts, construction and demolition debris, the contents of all the roll-off dumpsters around the city, are always sent to landfill, even if they are comprised with recyclable materials. There are many model ordinances we could adopt; one from San Diego has been copied in numerous municipalities.[4] This simply requires any building permit application to include a recycling plan, and that roll-off dumpsters be accompanied by a recycling container. Recycling saves global warming gases.

New Construction Solar Mandate

California has a model state law[5] that encourages – mandates - solar panel installation that could easily be adapted for us.  The California Solar Mandate requires rooftop solar photovoltaic systems to be equipped on all new homes. It was the first of its kind in the US. Implementation of this would allow Cambridge to become a leader towards a cleaner energy future.

Solar Protection

The California Solar Rights Act, states that a neighbor or the municipality cannot plant a tree that would place an adjacent rooftop in shade[6]. There are many appropriate trees that grow to heights of 25 feet or less, including many native species, which would provide shade -- but not block a neighbor’s rooftop. This ordinance would allow the installation of more solar panels and protect existing ones from being blocked. The 75-foot behemoths (like the ones that were offered by DPW in its oddly-misguided initiative) would be allowed only if they wouldn’t eventually shade any neighbor’s rooftop.

Only Hybrids or EVs for Municipal Vehicles

The city should not be purchasing vehicles and equipment that exacerbate climate change. Furthermore, we should require that all municipal passenger vehicles be hybrids or EVs. This should additionally ban large SUVs (e.g. vehicles over 3500 lbs) for passenger vehicle use. Emergency vehicles could be exempted.

No Diesel Vehicles -- and Combination Trash/Recycling/Compost/Yard Waste Trucks

This would require that the city stops purchasing of diesel equipment unless there are no alternatives available. Diesel is dirty; it produces excessive levels of CO2 plus thousands of known carcinogens. While heavy trucks used to be only equipped with diesel engines, they are now available as models that burn alternative fuels, hybrid, and electric. Currently, Public Works’ four single-stream trucks (trash, compost, yard waste, recycling) each covering the 125 miles[7] (the total of Cambridge streets) every weekday, adds up to 130,000 miles annually. Add snow plowing and street cleaning, and DPW’s trucks travel over 250,000 miles per year – the distance from here to the moon.  Commonly-available combination trash/recycling/compost/yard waste trucks could save almost 100,000 miles of truck travel annually, sharply reducing CO2 emissions.

No Gas in New Construction and Major Renovations

Brookline recently brought this issue to the forefront. Natural gas use in homes is unnecessary and avoidable. Gas stoves emit more than just CO2 – they can fill a home with numerous toxins.[8] The state is running a ‘no-new-gas installation’ trial with 10 municipalities[9]. Boston has asked the state to be included, and with Cambridge’s housing boom, we should too.

Reinstitute Reuse Center At DPW

Reduce, recycle, refuse, reuse, repurpose – the “Five Rs.” Sadly, public works eliminated reuse and repurpose when they eliminated their reuse section at the Hampshire Street Recycling Yard. Many people have gotten books, cookware, kitchen equipment, tools, and many useful items from the reuse/repurpose tables, but now it all goes in the trash. More emphasis needs to be placed on “reuse and repurpose.” This should be reopened.

Parking Permit Fees Based on Fuel efficiency

Another idea that’s been discussed in numerous municipalities has been charging parking permit fees based on fuel efficiency, using the “combined EPA average” of a make/model as the base. This could be structured to significantly add to the cost of operating an oversized non-commercial vehicle in the city, and significantly reward those who choose EVs and hybrids.

Cambridge can once again be a policy leader by adopting these and other measures to combat climate change. I urge the council to consider adopting these measures as a start, and work to achieve these goals.

[1] https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/publications/OSHA-3590.pdf

[2] https://www.mass.gov/doc/massdep-faq-the-massachusetts-anti-idling-law/download

[3] https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-02-19/copenhagen-s-new-intelligent-traffic-light-system-will-giving-bicycles-priority

[4] https://www.sandiego.gov/environmental-services/recycling/cd/

[5] https://www.solar.com/learn/california-solar-mandate/

[6] https://understandsolar.com/california-solar-rights-act/

[7] https://www.wickedlocal.com/story/cambridge-chronicle-tab/2018/01/04/by-numbers-cambridge-dpw-tackles/64778994007/

[8] https://www.deseret.com/utah/2022/6/29/23188104/harvard-researchers-looked-for-toxic-chemicals-natural-gas-stoves-what-they-found

[9] https://www.bostonglobe.com/2022/04/13/business/state-climate-bill-would-let-10-communities-ban-natural-gas-hookups-business-groups-say-thats-bad-idea/


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